Trusted Web Activity - Address bar not hide (Chrome for Android 72)

when use google SHA-256 or just change fingerprint code be sure to clear chrome cache about your previous app or check cache-control of .json

You may have opted into having Google Play sign your releases with a key they generated, and only use your key for the upload.

If you did, go to Google Play Console Release Management -> App Signing and copy the App signing certificate SHA-256 fingerprint and put it into the assetlinks.json file.

I faced the same issue today, that's what I've learnt:
Before trying to test your android application test your statement here:
Fill in domain, package and fingerprint, then click "Test Statement"
If you see
"Success! Host [your web app] grants app deep linking to [android package].", then your web app is configured the right way, and there's something wrong with your device or app.
Most likely you'll see
"Invalid input field(s)"
You can open Chrome console on the Network tab in order to look at the server output. Probably you're going to see something like "Invalid site (URL cannot contain a path component, login information, query parameters or fragment identifiers)"
To fix this this you should put your assetlinks.json file to the root of your web app, in your case. You can checkout my sample repository. As you could see my file is accessible from