True difference between HttpRequest and XMLHttpRequest

As I discussed in the comments, I can reproduce: the XMLHttpRequest example from the first "Edit" works (HTTP status = 200), while the "copy as cURL" version of it returns 403 from Cloudfare.

Adding --cert-status to curl makes it work for me, so it seems that Cloudfare analyzes TLS-level communication when deciding to deny a request.

Your curl command from the first Edit has a few other differences from the version I get when using "Copy as cURL":

  • curl 'URL' instead of obviously fails, please don't make it harder to reproduce your results.
  • -H 'origin: null' vs -H 'Origin: https://localhost:4443' -H 'Referer: https://localhost:4443/test_http.html' - this doesn't make a difference.
  • I have a few additional headers -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Cookie: __cfduid=dcf1b80eef19562054c9b64f79139509e1566138746' that don't make a difference either.
  • Varying -H 'user-agent: - doesn't affect Cloudfare either
  • You have an extra -H 'authority:' (with placeholder in place of the real domain), and this doesn't make a difference either.
  • Whether the POST data is correct --data-binary 'login=123&password=def' only affects the API results; doesn't affect the 403.
  • The missing -H 'Accept-Language: header causes the 403 from Cloudfare.

So you could try adding the missing Accept-Language to the Node version to see if it helps.

My version of Node doesn't send Extension: status_request in the TLS Client Hello (which seems to be the difference between curl invocations with or without --cert-status), and I don't see how you would enable it. At this point I'd try contacting support if possible or falling back to calling curl from node.

P.S. while debugging it I attempted to compare the Wireshark captures of curl vs browser (node doesn't support SSLKEYLOGFILE, forcing you to jump through hoops, so I didn't even try checking how its capture looks). There are so many minor differences, that trying to reverse engineer the rules that Cloudfare uses would be very time-consuming. --cert-status was a lucky guess.

The SSL Client Hello across Firefox/curl/node are very different: Firefox firefox 70 curl curl --cert-status node11 node 11