Trouble with ol and ul tags in email sent with Outlook

The best way to do bulleted lists in email is to mimic them with tables. Click here for JSFiddle.

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td width="20" align="center" valign="top">&bull;</td>
        <td width="200" align="left" valign="top">Text text text text text text</td>
    <tr><td align="center" valign="top">&bull;</td>
        <td align="left" valign="top">Really really really long and wrapping text here text here text here text here text here </td>

Be sure to use align and valign="top" so that your bullets stay flush with the top of long, wrapping text.

Microsoft Outlook compiler sometimes ignores paddings and standard CSS styling in some instances. That being said, try to write very simple code and inline styling for your HTML code that is intended to be sent through email.

Try the following code for your list items:

  <!-- Row container for Intro/ Description -->
  <td align="left" style="font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 100; color: #191919; line-height: 1.8; text-align:justify; padding:0px 20px 0px 20px; font-family: sans-serif;">
      <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>

I hope that helps,

