Traveling Pumpkin Problem

Jelly, 30 29 27 25 bytes


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Apparently Jelly's dot product just ignores a list size mismatch and doesn't multiply the extra elements of the other array, just adds them. Shaves off 2 bytes.


_AṢæ..              Helper link to calculate distance. Arguments: a, b
_                     subtract the vertices from each other
 A                    take absolute values of axes
  Ṣ                   sort the axes
   æ..                dot product with [0.5]

0,0ṭṚç2\+\<S        Helper link to calculate max cities. Arguments: perm, max
0,0                   create pair [0,0]
   ṭ                  append that to the permutation
    Ṛ                 reverse the permutation (gets the [0,0] to the beginning)
     ç2\              find distances of each pair using the previous link
        +\            find all partial sums
          <           see if each sum was less than the max
           S          sum to count cases where it was

Œ!ç€Ṁ               Main link. Arguments: cities, max
Œ!                    get permutations of cities
  ç€                  find max cities for each permutation using the previous link
    Ṁ                 take the maximum

Java 7, 206 201 bytes

Thanks to @KevinCruijssen for saving 5 bytes

int f(float e,int[]a,int[]b){int x=0,y=0,c=0,d=0,t;float s;for(int i:a){s=(i!=x&b[c]==y)|(i==x&b[c]!=y)?Math.sqrt((t=i-x)*t+(t=b[c]-y)*t)*1:Math.abs(i-x)*1.5;d+=e-s>=0?1:0;e-=s;x=i;y=b[c++];}return d;}


class Travellingpumpkin {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println(f( 5 ,new int[] { 1,2,3,4,5,5 } , new int[] { 1,1,1,1,0,1 } ));

static int f( double e , int[]a , int[]b ) {
    int x = 0 , y = 0 , c = 0 , d = 0 , t;
    double s ;

    for ( int i : a ) {
    s = ( i != x & b[c] == y )|( i == x & b[c] != y )
         ? Math.sqrt( ( t = i - x ) * t + ( t = b[c] - y ) * t ) * 1
         : Math.abs( i - x ) * 1.5 ;

        d += e-s >= 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
        e -= s ;
        x = i ; y = b [ c++ ] ;
    return d ;



Scala, 196 bytes

def f(l:Int,c:(Int,Int)*)>((0,0)+:x sliding 2 map{p=>val Seq(c,d)=Seq((p(0)._1-p(1)._1)abs,(p(0)._2-p(1)._2)abs).sorted
c*1.5+(d-c)}scanLeft 0d)(_+_)takeWhile(_<l)size).max-1


def g (l: Int, c: (Int, Int)*) = {
    .map { x =>
        ((0, 0) +: x).sliding(2).map({ p =>
            val Seq(c, d) = Seq((p(0)._1 - p(1)._1) abs, (p(0)._2 - p(1)._2) abs).sorted
            c * 1.5 + (d - c)
        }).scanLeft(0d)(_ + _).takeWhile(_ < l).size
    }.max - 1


def f(l:Int,c:(Int,Int)*)= //defien a function with an int and a vararg-int-pait parameter
  c.permutations           //get the permutations of c, that is all possible routes
  .map(x=>                 //map each of them to...
    ((0,0)+:x                //prepend (0,0)
    sliding 2                //convert to a sequence of consecutive elemtens
    map{p=>                  //and map each of them to their distance:
      val Seq(c,d)=Seq(        //create a sequence of
        (p(0)._1-p(1)._1)abs,  //of the absolute distance between the x points
        (p(0)._2-p(1)._2)abs   //and he absolute distance between the y coordinates
      ).sorted                 //sort them and assign the smaller one to c and the larger one to d
      c*1.5+(d-c)              //we do the minimum difference diagonally
    }                        //we now have a sequence of sequence of the distances for each route
    scanLeft 0d)(_+_)       //calculate the cumulative sum
    takeWhile(_<l)          //and drop all elements that are larger than the candle lifespan
    size                    //take the size
  ).max-1                   //take the maximum, taht is the size of the largest route and subtract 1 because we added (0,0) at the beginning