Transitive target_include_directories on OBJECT libraries

It seems that transitive properties only work when targets are linked through a chain of target_link_library calls. In your case, you do not have such a link between foo-object and foo.

If you add a source file to foo, that one should also not be able to see the include directory from foo-object.

This might be an oversight in the design of OBJECT libraries, as it essentially breaks the transitive properties for those.

Hm, at the moment I came up with following:

add_library(foo-object OBJECT src/foo.cpp)
target_include_directories(foo-object PUBLIC include)

get_property(object_include_dirs TARGET foo-object PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
get_property(object_link_libs TARGET foo-object PROPERTY LINK_LIBRARIES)

add_library(foo SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${PROJECT_NAME}-object>)
target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC ${object_include_dirs})
target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC ${object_link_libs})

add_library(foo_static STATIC $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${PROJECT_NAME}-object>)
target_include_directories(foo_static PUBLIC ${object_include_dirs})
target_link_libraries(foo_static PUBLIC ${object_link_libs})

but come on, there must be better way :/

