transform array in string php code example

Example 1: array to string conversion in php

$person = [
    'name' => 'Jon',
    'age' => 26,
    'status' => null,
    'friends' => ['Matt', 'Kaci', 'Jess']

echo json_encode($person);
// {"name":"Jon","age":26,"status":null,"friends":["Matt","Kaci","Jess"]}

Example 2: Convert an Array to a String in PHP

   $array = ["Lili", "Rose", "Jasmine", "Daisy"];
   $JsonObject = serialize($array);
   echo "The array is converted to the Json string.";
   echo "\n"; 
   echo"The Json string is $JsonObject";

Example 3: arry to string php


Example 4: array to string conversion in php

function subArraysToString($ar, $sep = ', ') {
    $str = '';
    foreach ($ar as $val) {
        $str .= implode($sep, $val);
        $str .= $sep; // add separator between sub-arrays
    $str = rtrim($str, $sep); // remove last separator
    return $str;

// $food array from example above
echo subArraysToString($food);
// apple, raspberry, pear, banana, peas, carrots, cabbage, wheat, rice, oats


Php Example