Touchpad not working on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Try the below command. If it does not show your touchpad then Ubuntu does not support it.

    less /proc/bus/input/devices
  2. After that or if you have already done step 3 you can try

    sudo rmmod i2c_hid
    sudo modprobe i2c_hid
  3. If it is showing your touchpad you have to edit the configuration file for GRUB.

    sudo nano /etc/default/grub

    and replace



    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="i8042.reset quiet splash"

    save the file and exit, then run

     sudo update-grub

    and restart your laptop.

Installing below package will resolve the touchpad issues on Ubuntu 18.04.

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

On my laptop also touchpad was not working after installing ubuntu 18.04. After installing this package issue got resolved.

shot in the dark... i literally JUST pulled updates and it started working for me!

maybe try updating now?

it's not 100% functionality and sometimes it turns off for some reason but it works!