TortoiseGit - git not found

I've had nothing but problems with TortoiseGit.

However, discovering the following enabled me to give up sooner:

In your Path (in Control Panel->System->Advanced Settings->Environment Settings), add a path that contains git.exe (msysgit\bin or msysgit\git? TortoiseGit's instructions sure the hell don't tell me, so how should I know). Then open a command prompt and try running git.exe. It'll probably complain that it can't find libcurl-4.dll. So, you'll find that this dll file exists in msysgit\mingw\bin. Add this directory to your Path (or copy the dll if you prefer).

Now, the setup in TortoiseGit will finally appear to work. Clicking the "Check Now" button will actually tell you the version of git you're using instead of mysteriously going blank or popping up a useless error window.

When you try using TortoiseGit now, you'll get a blank progress bar that does nothing and you can't close it. Congratulations! Now you can give up and delete this garbage until someone cares enough to prepare it for human consumption. (can you tell I'm fed up with this software?)

While this question is still hot... some nice people contributed lots of bugfixes to all three projects, so this is what I did to get TortoiseGit on Win7x64, previously failing on all combinations:

  1. install mSysGit (network installer) into C:\msysgit, it will download the source and compile it leaving you in a bash git prompt. Stable version: msysGit-netinstall- 13 sep
  2. install Git “preview” into C:\Program Files (x86)\Git, choose OpenSSH for ssh link Stable version: Git- 13 sep
  3. install tortoisegit into C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit, (x64 version) and configure it’s settings specifying the git path (C:\msysgit\bin) and menu integration. Stable version: TortoiseGit- 25 sep

This setup picked up my existing git repos made on WinXP x86 with older versions of the packages, and seems fairly stable and fully functional.