Toolbar not visible after setting jupyter notebook theme

jt -t oceans16 -T -N

this would surely help.

I was able to solve this by editing the custom.css file located at ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css. I changed the mailtoolbar setting from ’none’ to ‘block’. i.e. find this line:

    div#maintoolbar {
        display: none !important;

...and change it to:

    div#maintoolbar {
        display: block !important;

Hope that works for you too! Don't imagine looking for reasons it failed to start with, however, there is a theory one cannot update while it is running.

TLDR : Run this :

!jt -t solarizedd -T -N -kl


I just installed the jupyter themes and went thru the same issue. My regular and nbextension toolbar disappeared and could not make it come back unless I reverted to default !jt -r.

after some research i fugure it your cell should write

from jupyterthemes import get_themes import jupyterthemes as jt from jupyterthemes.stylefx import set_nb_theme set_nb_theme('solarizedd', -T, -N,-kl)

  • Toolbar Visible -T
  • Name & Logo Visible -N
  • Kernel Logo Visible -kl
  • their defaults are set to none

see the documentation documentation of jupyter theme

or something more permanent and fewer lines of code, using the command "!" in the actual cell

!jt -t solarizedd -T -N -kl

If you do not want to use the code within the notebook itself, you can run it inside the anaconda prompt which is exactly what I did.

Firstly install it using pip:

pip install --upgrade jupyterthemes

and then run the following line as mentioned by other authors (notice that you cannot use the exclamation mark):

jt -t solarizedd -T -N -kl

This will apply to all of your notebooks. I find this much cleaner as you don't have to import the library, etc. in each notebook that you use. To apply a different theme replace solarizedd with other provided (e.g. onedork)