Toggle the status of a checkbox in the checkbox hack with a hyperlink

Option 1 - Using JavaScript

Redirection only works if the element is visible, not set to display: none. In your above code snippet, both the checkbox and the list of answers are set to display: none as their initial state.

Step 1: Add id to each <strong id="question"> element.

<strong id="question1">1. Question 1?</strong> 

Step 2: We cannot check/uncheck a checkbox using CSS, we have to use JavaScript/jQuery to achieve this functionality. So I added the basics to a checkbox checked script, when a user clicks on the link.

<li><a href="#question5" onClick="var str = this.attributes['href'].value + 'Checkbox'; document.getElementById(str.replace('#', '')).checked = true;">Open 5. link first</a></li>

.spoilerbutton {
display: none;
.spoiler {
overflow: hidden;
.spoiler>div {
-webkit-transition: all 0s ease;
-moz-transition: margin 0s ease;
-o-transition: all 0s ease;
transition: margin 0s ease;
.spoilerbutton+.spoiler>div {
margin-top: -500%;
.spoilerbutton+.spoiler label:before {
content: 'Antwoord';
font-size: 150%;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000;
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler label:before {
content: 'Verberg';
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler {
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler>div {
margin-top: 0;
<strong id="question1">1. Question 1?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question1Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
  <div class="spoiler">
    <label for="question1Checkbox"></label>
        <li><a href="#question5" onClick="var str = this.attributes['href'].value + 'Checkbox'; document.getElementById(str.replace('#', '')).checked = true;">Open 5. link first</a></li>
<strong id="question2">2. Question 2?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question2Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <label for="question2Checkbox"></label>
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong id="question3">2. Question 3?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question3Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <label for="question3Checkbox"></label>
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong id="question4">2. Question 4?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question4Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <label for="question4Checkbox"></label>
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong id="question5">2. Question 5?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question5Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler" id="answer5">
  <label for="question5Checkbox"></label>
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>

Option 2 - Using CSS

By using the CSS :target selector and little bit of a structure update, we can achieve the functionality by using CSS.

.spoilerbutton {
display: none;
.spoiler {
overflow: hidden;
.spoiler>div {
-webkit-transition: all 0s ease;
-moz-transition: margin 0s ease;
-o-transition: all 0s ease;
transition: margin 0s ease;
.spoilerbutton+.spoiler .listOfAnswer {
margin-top: -500%;
.spoilerbutton+.spoiler .labelWrap {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
.spoilerbutton+.spoiler .labelWrap label:before {
content: 'Antwoord';
font-size: 150%;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000;
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler .labelWrap label:before {
content: 'Verberg';
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler {
.spoilerbutton:checked+.spoiler .listOfAnswer {
margin-top: 0;

:target + .spoilerbutton + .spoiler {
:target + .spoilerbutton + .spoiler .labelWrap label:before {
content: 'Verberg';
:target + .spoilerbutton + .spoiler .labelWrap .resetTarget {
cursor: default;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
:target + .spoilerbutton + .spoiler .listOfAnswer {
margin-top: 0;
.resetTarget {
  display: none;
<strong class="qTitle" id="question1">1. Question 1?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question1Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
  <div class="spoiler">
    <div class="labelWrap">
      <label for="question1Checkbox"></label>
      <a class="resetTarget" href="#question1Checkbox"></a>
    <div class="listOfAnswer">
        <li><a href="#question5">Open 5. link first</a></li>
<strong class="qTitle" id="question2">2. Question 2?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question2Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <div class="labelWrap">
    <label for="question2Checkbox"></label>
    <a class="resetTarget" href="#question2Checkbox"></a>
  <div class="listOfAnswer">
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong class="qTitle" id="question3">2. Question 3?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question3Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <div class="labelWrap">
    <label for="question3Checkbox"></label>
    <a class="resetTarget" href="#question3Checkbox"></a>
  <div class="listOfAnswer">
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong class="qTitle" id="question4">2. Question 4?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question4Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler">
  <div class="labelWrap">
    <label for="question4Checkbox"></label>
    <a class="resetTarget" href="#question4Checkbox"></a>
  <div class="listOfAnswer">
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>
<strong class="qTitle" id="question5">2. Question 5?</strong> 
<input type="checkbox" id="question5Checkbox" value="checked" class="spoilerbutton">
<div class="spoiler" id="answer5">
  <div class="labelWrap">
    <label for="question5Checkbox">
      <a class="resetTarget" href="#question5Checkbox"></a>
  <div class="listOfAnswer">
      <li>possible answer 1.</li>
      <li>possible answer 2.</li>
      <li>possible answer 3.</li>

Short answer

In general, yes, it is possible to accomplish this, but it has huge limitations due to the limitations of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) so in reality the answer is no.

Long answer

The problem we face is that you won't be able to implement a solution dynamically without any JavaScript. You can see that in the possible answer you linked. In pure CSS it is only possible to target elements specified in the file. How can CSS know which checkbox to check (assuming using the checkbox hack) or which answer to extend if you click on a link? The answer is simple: It can't.

So the only way to do it without JavaScript is by doing it not dynamically. The problem is that you can't target parent elements (Cascading Style Sheets) so there isn't even a pure CSS way to even open up another element if, for example, a hyperlink is in :focus and you also can't check/uncheck checkboxes with CSS.

This brings us to JavaScript as the only possible solution with your structure of code.

.spoilerbutton {
  position: absolute;
  margin-top: 9px 0 0 -5px;
  height: 35px;
  width: 102px;
  opacity: 0;

.spoilerbutton:checked {
  width: 86px;

.spoilerbutton~.text::after {
  content: "Antwoord";

.spoilerbutton:checked~.text::after {
  content: "Verberg";

.spoilerbutton~.spoiler {
  display: none;

.spoilerbutton:checked~.spoiler {
  padding: 5px;
  display: block;
  <strong>1. Question 1?</strong>
  <p class="text"></p>
  <input class="spoilerbutton" type="checkbox" />

  <h2 class="text"></h2>

  <div class="spoiler">
        <li><a onclick="document.querySelector(this.attributes['href'].value + ' .spoilerbutton').checked = true;" href="#answer3">Open answer 3</a></li>
        <li>possible answer 2.</li>
        <li>possible answer 3.</li>

  <strong>1. Question 2?</strong>
  <p class="text"></p>
  <input class="spoilerbutton" type="checkbox" />

  <h2 class="text"></h2>

  <div class="spoiler">
        <li>possible answer 1.</li>
        <li>possible answer 2.</li>
        <li>possible answer 3.</li>

<div style="margin-top: 500px" id="answer3">
  <strong>1. Question 3?</strong>
  <p class="text"></p>
  <input class="spoilerbutton" type="checkbox" />

  <h2 class="text"></h2>

  <div class="spoiler">
        <li>possible answer 1.</li>
        <li>possible answer 2.</li>
        <li>possible answer 3.</li>

One line of code is enough:

document.querySelector(this.attributes['href'].value + ' .spoilerbutton').checked = true;


Actually I forgot about the :target pseudo class. But Hassan Siddiqui already completed his answer with it. However, you will have to restructure your code and if you want to use the JavaScript approach (which I strongly recommend) I prefer my line of code.