To draw a hierarchy tree diagram

Updated answer (current Forest)

This version uses the edges library. If you get errors, use the code below or, preferably, update your TeX installation.

  for tree={
    edge+={thick, -{Stealth[]}},
    l sep'+=10pt,
    fork sep'=10pt,
  forked edges,
  if level=0{
    inner xsep=0pt,
    tikz={\draw [thick] (.children first) -- (.children last);}
  [Angiography Based On Medical Imaging Modalities
      [Contrast Enhanced]
      [Non-Contrast Enhanced
        [Time of Flight]
        [Phase Contrast]
    [Computed-\\Tomography, calign with current]
    [Fusion of\\Modalities]

with current Forest

Original answer

A slightly different forest solution which uses tikz to draw the line under the root. This also lines things up in a way which I think is neater than shown in the target image but, obviously, tastes differ so your kilometres may vary.

  for tree={
    parent anchor=south,
    child anchor=north,
    edge={thick, -{Stealth[]}},
    l sep+=10pt,
    edge path={
      \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-10pt) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    if level=0{
      inner xsep=0pt,
      tikz={\draw [thick] (.south east) -- (.south west);}
  [Angiography Based On Medical Imaging Modalities
      [Contrast Enhanced]
      [Non-Contrast Enhanced
        [Time of Flight]
        [Phase Contrast]
    [Computed-\\Tomography, calign with current]
    [Fusion of\\Modalities]

tikz underlining

% arara: pdflatex


for tree={%
    edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}] (\forestOve{\forestove{@parent}}{name}.parent anchor) -- +(0,-12pt)-| (\forestove{name}.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};}
\underline{A}, calign=child,calign child=3

enter image description here

Such diagrams can be made with tikz-qtree (among others):

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, border=6pt]{standalone}


\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=40pt]
  \tikzset{edge from parent/.style={draw,->, 
    edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- +(0,-8pt) -| (\tikzchildnode)}}}
  \tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center}}
  \tikzset{every level 1 node/.style={font=\small, text width=2cm}}
  \tikzset{every level 2 node/.style={font=\small, text width=4cm}}

  \Tree [.{\uline{Angiography Based On Medical Imaging Modalities}}
    [.{Biplane\\X-ray/DSA} ]
    [.{Magnetic\\Resonance} [.{Contrast Enhanced} ]
                            [.{Non-Contrast Enhanced} [.{Time of Flight} ]
                                                      [.{Phase Contrast} ] ]]
    [.{Computed-\\Tomography} ]
    [.{Ultrasound} ]



Tikz Pgf