To ask permission or apologize?

Exceptions in .NET are fairly heavyweight, so the philosophy in C# is to use exceptions only for exceptional situations, not for program flow.

The philosophy in C# is also geared towards checking all input received from external code before using it. Example:

public void Foo(int i)
    if (i == 0)           // validate input received from external code
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("i");


public void Foo()

internal void DoSomething(int i)
    Debug.Assert(i != 0); // validate that i is not zero in DEBUG build
                          // assume that i is not zero in RELEASE build

    Console.WriteLine(42 / i);

Probably not. .NET exceptions are relatively expensive.

Several .NET functions offer both variants for this reason. (int.TryParse, which returns a success code is often recommended because it is faster than int.Parse which throws an exception on failure)

But the only answer that matters is what your own profiling data tells you. If you need performance, then you need to measure, measure, measure.

Because what was fastest on my computer, with my code, with my version of the .NET framework, at this time may not be the fastest on your computer, with your code, with your version of the .NET framework at the time when you read it.