title page in book

I haven't managed to solve it entirely, but I made some progress if that helps.

You need to add the preambles that are listed on pages 45 and 46 but there are some errors in those. \defincolor needs to be \definecolor and in \newcommand*{\wb}[1]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\usefont{U}{webo}{xl}{n}} the [1] needs to be [2]. So that gives:

%% check if using xelatex rather than pdflatex
%% drawing package
%% for dingbats

\providecommand{\HUGE}{\Huge}% if not using memoir
\newlength{\drop}% for my convenience
%% specify the Webomints family
%% select a (FontSite) font by its font family ID
%% if you don't have the FontSite fonts either \renewcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{}
%% or use your own choice of family.
%% select a (TeX Font) font by its font family ID
%% Generic publisher's logo
%% Some shades

%%%% Additional font series macros
%%%% light series
%% e.g., kernel doc, section s: line 12 or thereabouts
%% e.g., kernel doc, section t: line 32 or thereabouts
%% e.g., kernel doc, section v: line 19 or thereabouts

% heavy(bold) series

\newcommand*{\titleZD}{\begingroup% Zuleika Dobson
        {\Huge Selected Conundrums}\\
        {\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
        {\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
        {\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip]
        {\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par
        {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\
        {\Large\scshape year}\par


So now it compiles for me, except that I still get an error that some font shapes are missing and that results in the diamonds being replaced by 4's. Hope someone else can use this to fix it further. enter image description here

Please let me know if this meets the requirement -- deficiencies may be in your available fonts -- dont worry if there are errors -- we will work it out --try it and let me know

enter image description here


\documentclass[oneside,english,a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\usepackage{fancyhdr, lastpage, changepage, graphicx}    

\let\ps@plain\ps@fancy% Plain page style = fancy page style


    \begin{picture}(600, 0)
      \multiput(0, 110)(20, 0){20}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}                    % Top Line
      \multiput(-5, 90)(0,-21){35}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}    % Left Line
      \multiput(0,-630)(20, 0){20}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}                    % Bottom Line
      \multiput(400,90)(0,-21){35}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}    % Right Line

{\Huge Selected Conundrums} \\[4em]
{\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---}%
{\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
{\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip]
{\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par
{\Large\scshape year}\par


EDIT to overcome font problem User @ChaokangTai has given a solution to the page build up above -- however the fonts not being installed give the figure 4 in the page borders after compiling

1. Download the script getnonfreefonts from tug.org -- the link to the font script is --> http://www.tug.org/fonts/getnonfreefonts/install-getnonfreefonts

2. Fire up the terminal (for Mac OS) and go to the downloads folder by typing into the terminal -- cd Downloads

check the spelling and spaces in the command line before execution

3. Run the installation:

sudo texlua install-getnonfreefonts

4. The program is now installed and ready to download and install all the fonts automatically : simply run::

getnonfreefonts --sys -a

5. It seems complicated -- just follow step by step -- the fonts are now installed and you can compile the MWE Code for correct output of the title page.

EDIT2 Font not available on Overleaf to meet the requirement of creating this title page -- reply from Overleaf side is appended below as an image

enter image description here