Timeout for user decision in windows batch file

You can try the choice /T:c,nn command, if you are on Vista or later:

    Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.

    CHOICE  [ /C[:]choices ]  [ /N ]  [ /S ]  [ /T[:]c,nn ] text

           /C:choices    Specifies allowable keys.
               Default for English versions is YN
           /N            Do not display choices an ? at end of prompt string.
           /S or /CS     Treat choice keys as case sensitive.
              Up to (and including) the Resource Kit versions, use /S.
              In Windows 7 use /CS.
           /T:c,nn      Default choice to c after nn seconds.
              text      Prompt string to display.

This depends on version of windows your running. Different ones run different things.

You can try some of the following:

timeout 10

ping -n 1 -w 10000 > nul

If those fail you could always go with a simple loop with choice (That is if choice works)

choice /t 10 /c ynr /cs /d r /m "Do you want it (Y/N)?"
if errorlevel 3 goto :loop
if errorlevel 2 goto :no
if errorlevel 1 goto :yes

@echo Yeah, it will be done.
GOTO :continue

@echo Nope, it will not happen.
GOTO :continue

@echo And on we go