tikz rectangle nodes fail to align

enter image description here

You made a syntax error when using the positioning library. It is necessary to write below = of...


\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows, decorations.pathreplacing, positioning}

\tikzstyle{instruction-bits-variable} = [rectangle split,
    rectangle split horizontal,
    text centered,
    minimum height=1em]



    \node [instruction-bits-variable,
           rectangle split parts=7,
           label={west:{instr 0:}}] (instr0) {};

    \node [instruction-bits-variable,
           rectangle split parts=8,
           node distance = 2em,
           label={west:{instr 1:}},
           below  =of instr0.west,
           anchor=west] (instr1) {};

\caption {Fixed length instructions}
\label {fig:instruction-format-components}
\end {figure}


Slightly shorter code, recent syntax for determining of node style:

                decorations.pathreplacing, positioning,

\tikzset{instruction-bits-variable/.style = {% <---
            rectangle split, 
            rectangle split horizontal,
            rectangle split parts=#1,        % <---
            draw, align=center, minimum height=1em}

    \begin {figure}[ht]
    node distance = 7mm and 4mm % <--- 
\node [instruction-bits-variable=7,
       label=west:{instr 0:}] (instr0) {};
\node [instruction-bits-variable=8,
       label=west:{instr 1:},
       below = of instr0.west, anchor=west] (instr1) {};

\caption {Fixed length instructions}
\label {fig:instruction-format-components}
    \end {figure}

Result is the same as it is in other answer.