Tikz picture inside a box

I might have misunderstood the question, but here is a try:





        \node at (0,0) (a) {a};
        \node at (1,0) (b) {b};
        \draw (a)--(b);

        \node[above = \baselineskip of current bounding box] {%
                Text or whatever you want to put here.

                    1 = 2
        \draw (current bounding box.north west) rectangle (current bounding box.south east);


enter image description here

Quick explanations: once the main elements of the picture are drawn, I create a node that gets positioned right on top of everything (above the “current bounding box”, by a distance relative to \baselineskip because it's slightly less dirty). Finally, I draw a rectangle around the final bounding box. … It's a bit overkill, now that I think about it.

By the way, I'm pretty sure tikzpictures can be put in tcolorboxes, since I used tcolorboxes to show examples in the documentation of a pseudo-package I wrote, and these were full of tikz stuff: http://www.alicem.net/files/oths/pointbox.zip

You can include tikzpicture in tcolorbox, at least if you use listings. I know that you said not to use minipage, but not why noy to use it. To me this is the natural start of such a problem, so I included a solution for that as well. And I expanded the MWE with some lipsum text and boxes around nodes.

  text only,
%% First

    \node[draw] at (0,0) (a) {a};
    \node[circle,draw] at (1,0) (b) {b};
    \draw[->] (a)--(b);

%% Second version, using minipage

    \node[draw] at (0,0) (a) {a};
    \node[circle,draw] at (1,0) (b) {b};
    \draw[->] (a)--(b);

enter image description here


A version with tcolorbox not using listing can also be done:

    \node[draw] at (0,0) (a) {a};
    \node[circle,draw] at (1,0) (b) {b};
    \draw[->] (a)--(b);

enter image description here

Here is something that doesn't use minipages (for this particular problem).



\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit}


        \node [text width = 0.9\linewidth] (first) {
            Text or whatever you want to put here. 
        \node [below=\baselineskip] at (first) (eq) {$1=2$};
        \node [below left=\baselineskip] at (eq) (a) {a};
        \node at ([xshift=1cm] a) (b) {b};
        \draw (a)--(b);
        \node [draw, rectangle, fit=(first)(eq)(a)(b)]{};   


text in a box