TikZ: Perpendicular bisector of a line

Yes, with the calc library. See section 13.5.4 The Syntax of Distance Modifiers in the manual.

\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (3,1.2);

\draw (A) -- (B) coordinate[midway] (M);
\draw [blue,thick] ($(M)!0.5cm!270:(A)$) -- ($(M)!0.5cm!90:(A)$);

enter image description here

Another possibility is the turn option. See section "13.4.2 Rotational Relative Coordinates" in the manual.

    -- coordinate(M)
    -- (M)
    -- ([turn]90:.5)coordinate(l1)
    -- ([turn]180:1)coordinate(l2)
  \draw (A) -- (B);
  \draw[orange] (l1) -- (l2);

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf