TikZ manual newest version online?

The place to look for the PGF offical released manual would be the CTAN directory: ctan.org/pkg/pgf.

You could also use the web site that Stefan Kottwitz and Paulo Cereda recently put together. Just enter


into your browser's address field and you'll automatically be taken to the right place. So in your case, go to http://texdoc.net/pkg/tikz or http://texdoc.net/pkg/pgf, they both lead to the manual, version 2.10.

Joseph Wright wrote about this service on our blog: TeX documentation online: texdoc.net

If you need the absolute most recent version of the manual (even for unstable builds of PGF/TikZ) you can look here: http://pgf.sourceforge.net/ There you can find the manual for the current unstable version of TikZ.