Three Dots in Center Page

I think you don't you need a machinery like TikZ for that:

\newcommand{\threestars}{\begin{center}$ {\ast}\,{\ast}\,{\ast} $\end{center}}

\newcommand{\varthreestars}{\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{c}$\ast$\\[-0.8ex] $\ast\enspace \ast $\end{tabular}\end{center}}




enter image description here

TikZ may help in this case.

enter image description here


\path (0,0); % move pen to (0,0) left most of the text
\path (\a pt,0) node[scale=5,blue]{$\cdots$};


\path (0,0); % move pen to (0,0) left most of the text
\path[every node/.style={star,draw,fill=magenta,star point ratio=2.5,scale=.5}] 
(\a pt,0) node{}--+(0:1) node{}--+(180:1) node{};
