Threading a list of functions over a list of arguments

Consider Through:

Through[{Foo, Goo, Hoo} @@ {a, b, c}]
{Foo[a, b, c], Goo[a, b, c], Hoo[a, b, c]}

Alternatively, use it as:

Through @ {Foo, Goo, Hoo}[a, b, c]
{Foo[a, b, c], Goo[a, b, c], Hoo[a, b, c]}

Or make it into a function:

boohoo = Through[# @@ #2] &;

{Foo, Goo, Hoo} ~ boohoo ~ {a, b, c}
 {Foo[a, b, c], Goo[a, b, c], Hoo[a, b, c]}



Let me know if you need an explanation. I figure a list of both functions and arguments would be the simplest method. Then I just made sure the Map over the functions would cause them to Apply to the arguments.