things to automate with python code example

Example 1: automate the boring stuff with python

Just go to the following link:

note that you will need to wait a few seconds before you can access it

Example 2: python automation ideas

# Maybe try to make a file editor that when you enter something it'll add it to the file?

# Or you could make a "website bookmarks" thing?
# Make it so when you type in a website name (eg: Google);
# Python will direct you to it.

Example 3: automation in python

#you can use automation in python using following tools
#Web Automation use selenium driver
#GUI Automation use pyautogui tool

#Selenium Automation Example
#Download chrome driver for Selenium 

#############Lanuch WebDriver Function - Begin #############
#Make sure the downloaded driver is in the same path where your running code
#else you will get an error.

from selenium import webdriver
# store the browser driver
chrome_browser = launch_chromebrowser('chromedriver')

def launch_chromebrowser(browsername):
    # load the browser driver
    return webdriver.Chrome(browsername)
#############Lanuch WebDriver Function - End #############