Theoretical: Is It Possible / Feasible To Serve Static Content Via Websockets?

It's definitely possible but there are a few reasons why you probably don't want to use this for static resources:

  • You need at least one resource that is statically delivered over the standard HTTP mechanism which means you need something capable of serving static resources anyways. Generally you want to keep Javascript separate from your HTML which would mean another static load. Or you can be messy and put the WebSocket code embedded on the main page, but you still are really any better off yet.
  • You can't open WebSocket connections until a script on the page starts running. Establishing the WebSocket connection adds some initial latency.
  • Most browsers will load non-conflicting static resources in parallel (some older browsers have a severe limit on the number of parallel connections, but they still have some parallelization). You could open multiple WebSocket connections for different static resources, but doing this reliably and efficiently is going to take a lot of effort. Browsers have already solved most of these issues for static resources.
  • Each WebSocket connection is a guaranteed order message based transport. Combined with the serialized nature of Javascript execution this effectively means you get to process one WebSocket message at a time. You could use Web Workers to be able to process more than one WebSocket connection in parallel, but the main render script will still be serialized across those connections. You could certainly make this efficient, but once again, this isn't a trivial problem and browsers have already solved a lot of these static resource loading problems.
  • Many web servers support gziping resources before delivering them. WebSocket does not yet have compression support (it's being discussed as an extension in the working group). This means if you want to compress your resources over WebSocket you will have to do this in Javascript which will add more latency.

If you have parts of your page that are dynamically updated using static resources (e.g. loading in new images into a HTML5 canvas game), then WebSockets may be your best option because an already established WebSocket connection will have low latency and overhead for getting pushed updates from the server then getting these delivered over HTTP. But I wouldn't recommend using WebSockets for the initial static resources when you page first loads.

This answer does not really address your web sockets question, but it may make it obsolete:

The next generation technology that is supposed to solve the problem of transferring several assets over a single connection is SPDY, which is was a candidate for HTTP 2.0. It has working implementations in Chrome and Firefox and already some experimental server-side support by the likes of Google and Twitter.

Edit: SPDY protocol is now deprecated. You can however look into it for research purposes.