The new Form feature in Google Colaboratory

Now there is an official example here:

Exciting feature indeed. It seems we can use checkboxes and date fields:

boolean_checkbox = True #@param {type:"boolean"}
date_input = '2018-03-22' #@param {type:"date"}

but I would really love to be able to construct dropdown lists using existing variables. Currently this seems limited:

dropdown = '1st option' #@param ["1st option", "2nd option", "3rd option"]

To be clear I'd love to be able to write

countries = df['country'][0] #@param


It seems to be an in-development feature. I noticed it a couple of days ago, on a refraction doc I was using in-class with students, and assumed it was because I'd imported matplolib, which I've not had reason to do before.

I reloaded the doc later to have a closer look, but the 'form' and 'field' buttons had disappeared from the mouseover menu.

I know I was not dreaming because the


attribute was still there!

I just opened an unrelated student doc now to mark it and the additional menu items are there. No matplotlib in this doc, just basic Python.

Here are all the possible types:

var_int    = 15           #@param {type:"integer"}
var_float  = 0.36         #@param {type:"number"}
var_bool   = False        #@param {type:"boolean"}
var_date   = "2018-10-21" #@param {type:"date"}
var_str    = "str"        #@param {type:"string"}
var_raw    = "raw"        #@param {type:"raw"}

var_slider = 39           #@param {type:"slider", min:0, max:100, step:1}
var_enum   = "val1"       #@param ["val1", "val2", "val3"]

The types are pretty self-explanatory.