The Banach–Tarski Paradox

Pyth, 21 bytes


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Finally a use-case for .r.


#                       infinite loop
   Jw                   read a string from input and store it in J
     *4d                4 spaces
        .rJ".,?*&$@!%   rotate the chars of J using this char order
 ++                     combine the 3 strings (J, spaces, rotated) and print

The infinite loop breaks, when there is no more input available.

Ruby, 65

10.times{b=gets;puts',?*&$@!%.','.,?*&$@!%')+'    '+b}

Works great when input is taken from a file instead of stdin:

ruby banach.rb < ball.txt

On the other hand, if you like typing in balls to stdin manually, and want the output at the end, try this 67-byte version:

puts (0..9).map{b=gets;',?*&$@!%.','.,?*&$@!%')+'    '+b}

Matlab, 120

Matlab is not the greatest language for handling strings. \n is always considered as two characters, which is quite annoying, and you cannot just make a matrix out of a line-breaked (line-broken?) string, you have to do it manually. At least I did not have to care about the size/padding as every line has the exact same length.

a='.,?*&$@!%.';b=input('');b(b>90)=[];b=reshape(b',22,10)';c=b;for k=1:9;c(b==a(k))=a(k+1);end;disp([b,ones(10,4)*32,c])

Example Input:

'      ##########      \n   ###@%$*.&.%%!###   \n  ##!$,%&?,?*?.*@!##  \n ##&**!,$%$@@?@*@&&## \n#@&$?@!%$*%,.?@?.@&@,#\n#,..,.$&*?!$$@%%,**&&#\n ##.!?@*.%?!*&$!%&?## \n  ##!&?$?&.!,?!&!%##  \n   ###,@$*&@*,%*###   \n      ##########      '

Example output:

      ##########                ##########      
   ###@%$*.&.%%!###          ###!.@&,$,..%###   
  ##!$,%&?,?*?.*@!##        ##%@?.$*?*&*,&!%##  
 ##&**!,$%$@@?@*@&&##      ##$&&%?@.@!!*!&!$$## 
#@&$?@!%$*%,.?@?.@&@,#    #!$@*!%.@&.?,*!*,!$!?#
#,..,.$&*?!$$@%%,**&&#    #?,,?,@$&*%@@!..?&&$$#
 ##.!?@*.%?!*&$!%&?##      ##,%*!&,.*%&$@%.$*## 
  ##!&?$?&.!,?!&!%##        ##%$*@*$,%?*%$%.##  
   ###,@$*&@*,%*###          ###?!@&$!&?.&###   
      ##########                ##########      

PS: If I can assume the input this way:

['      ##########      ','   ###@%$*.&.%%!###   ','  ##!$,%&?,?*?.*@!##  ',' ##&**!,$%$@@?@*@&&## \n#@&$?@!%$*%,.?@?.@&@,#','#,..,.$&*?!$$@%%,**&&#',' ##.!?@*.%?!*&$!%&?## ','  ##!&?$?&.!,?!&!%##  ','   ###,@$*&@*,%*###   ','      ##########      ']

I only need 88 characters:

a='.,?*&$@!%.';b=input('');c=b;for k=1:9;c(b==a(k))=a(k+1);end;disp([b,ones(10,4)*32,c])