TFS: Search for a file by name in source control

If you have created a workspace on your local, then you can search a file in your local to get the path.

If you are using Visual Studio 2010

  • Right click on your collection or team project
  • Select 'Find in source control'
  • Then select 'status' or 'wildcard'
  • You can search for your files there

The following will list all the items in your repository without checking them out

tf Dir command

tf dir /recursive $/

you can pass in the item you are searching for also e.g.

tf dir /recursive $/*.cs

gets all the .cs files in all team projects

Note: depending on how big your source is, this could take sometime.

If you're using Azure DevOps you can open the Azure Repos section in Azure DevOps for your project. There is a search input on this screen that allows you to search your code. You can find out more in Microsoft's documentation: