TFS: How to view all files in many changesets?

you can get this information from the command line. it only does one change at a time, but you could write a script to do this for all of them:

 tf changeset /noprompt 55421

this outputs something like this:

Changeset: 55421
User: dsmith
Date: 09 November 2010 12:41:25

  Fix to threading bug in connector

  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Utils.cpp
  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Connector.cpp
  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Utils.h

Check-in Notes:
  Code Reviewer:
  Performance Reviewer:
  Security Reviewer:

if you have to have the output exactly as you specified it, then you would be best writing some code with the TFS SDK

You're probably looking for the tf history command:

tf history /server:http://tfs:8080 "$/path/to/what/you/want" /recursive /noprompt /format:detailed

If you have a lot of changes, you can use /version: to limit, or you can do a /stopafter:xx to limit the results to only 'xx' entries. The data comes back in reverse date order, I believe, so you get all of the newest changes first.

