Text search though all .xib files in Xcode?

What I do is run grep in terminal:

grep -i -r --include=*.xib "TextToFindHere" /PathToSearchHere

Xcode doesn't seem to have an option to search xib files and my attempts to get Spotlight to look at them have been unsuccessful.

Here is my handy command that never fails me. Run it from the project directory in Terminal.

find . -name "*.xib" -exec grep "text to look for" {} \; -print

I realize this is quite old, but I'd like to suggest to those of you who happen to also code other languages on your computer and choose to use Sublime Text 2 (which is wonderful) to do so, just open your iOS project's folder in Sublime and use the find all feature. Very fast, very reliable.

This was what I did to remove unused image resources from one of my larger projects.

~ Happy Coding =]