Ternary operators in JavaScript without an "else"

More often, people use logical operators to shorten the statement syntax:

!defaults.slideshowWidth &&
  (defaults.slideshowWidth = obj.find('img').width() + 'px');

But in your particular case the syntax can be even simpler:

defaults.slideshowWidth = defaults.slideshowWidth || obj.find('img').width() + 'px';

This code will return the defaults.slideshowWidth value if the defaults.slideshowWidth is evaluated to true and obj.find('img').width() + 'px' value otherwise.

See Short-Circuit Evaluation of logical operators for details.

First of all, a ternary expression is not a replacement for an if/else construct - it's an equivalent to an if/else construct that returns a value. That is, an if/else clause is code, a ternary expression is an expression, meaning that it returns a value.

This means several things:

  • use ternary expressions only when you have a variable on the left side of the = that is to be assigned the return value
  • only use ternary expressions when the returned value is to be one of two values (or use nested expressions if that is fitting)
  • each part of the expression (after ? and after : ) should return a value without side effects (the expression x = true returns true as all expressions return the last value, but it also changes x without x having any effect on the returned value)

In short - the 'correct' use of a ternary expression is

var resultofexpression = conditionasboolean ? truepart: falsepart;

Instead of your example condition ? x=true : null ;, where you use a ternary expression to set the value of x, you can use this:

 condition && (x = true);

This is still an expression and might therefore not pass validation, so an even better approach would be

 void(condition && x = true);

The last one will pass validation.

But then again, if the expected value is a boolean, just use the result of the condition expression itself

var x = (condition); // var x = (foo == "bar");


In relation to your sample, this is probably more appropriate:

defaults.slideshowWidth = defaults.slideshowWidth || obj.find('img').width()+'px';

No, it needs three operands. That's why they're called ternary operators.

However, for what you have as your example, you can do this:

if(condition) x = true;

Although it's safer to have braces if you need to add more than one statement in the future:

if(condition) { x = true; }

Edit: Now that you mention the actual code in which your question applies to:

    { defaults.slideshowWidth = obj.find('img').width()+'px'; }