tensorboard: command not found

If you installed Tensorflow with Virtualenv, then first Check whether you have activated the tensorflow envirnoment or not

If you have activated the tensorflow session then your command prompt will look like this :

tensorflow command prompt

If not, Write the below command and try running tensorboard again.

source ~/tensorflow/bin/activate

tensorboard running

What version of Tensorflow are you running? Older versions don't include Tensorboard.

If you do have a newer version, I see you are using OSX, which apparently caused some problems for other people: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/2115 Check this page to fix it!

As a MacPorts user, I'm used to running things from out of the path /opt/local/bin. When you install a python package via MacPorts, that's where the executables go --- even if they're just symbolic links to files to a main python repository in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/

pip installs things into the latter directory, but apparently does NOT add the symbolic link to /opt/local/bin

This has never been an issue (or even come up) for me before, because I've only used pip to install (non-executable) packages which load from within python. In conclusion, there is a /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/tensorboard

This is a pip / MacPorts-SOP mismatch / user error*, and nothing to do with tensorboard in particular. Please close this issue. Thanks for your help.

*my 'locate' database was in the process of updating but hadn't completed

You could call tensorboard as a python module like this:

python3 -m tensorboard.main --logdir=~/my/training/dir

or add this to your .profile

alias tensorboard='python3 -m tensorboard.main'

If no other methods work then try this one. It may help you.
1. check the location of Tensorflow

pip show tensorflow

It will show output something like this.
Name: tensorflow
Version: 1.4.0
Location: /home/abc/xy/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
2. Go to that location you get from the above output.

cd /home/abc/xy/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

There you can see a directory named tensorboard.

cd tensorboard

3. There must be a file named 'main.py'.
4. Execute the following command to launch the tensorboard.

python main.py --logdir=/path/to/log_file/