template with bool parameter

You have at least three ways to do it.

i. Use std::conditional:

template <bool isList>
struct A
    typename std::conditional<isList, 
                              std::vector<int>>::type container;

ii. Use template specialization for the bool parameter

template <bool isList>
struct A;

struct A<true>
    std::list<int> container;

struct A<false>
    std::vector<int> container;


A<true>  a1; // container of a1 is a list
A<false> a2; // container of a2 is a vector

iii. Use template functions

If you need a template function type, then you can do it like below. It returns a container based on the entry parameter.

template <bool isList>
auto func() -> typename std::conditional<isList, 
    typename std::result_of<decltype(func<isList>)&()>::type result;

    // ...

    return result;


auto f1 = func<true>();  // f1 is a list
auto f2 = func<false>(); // f2 is a vector

With c++17 onward, there are some cleaner options.


For classes, the only thing I'd suggest you do differently from masoud's answer with std::conditional is to use a using declaration instead of directly using the type when declaring the member variable. That way, the type can be re-used and the typename is redundant. Also, std::conditional_t is shorter.


template<bool isList, typename T>
struct TemplatedStruct
    using Container = std::conditional_t<isList, std::list<T>, std::vector<T>>;
    Container container;


  1. Use a templated function with the if constexpr syntax together with auto return type deduction. Example:
template<bool isList, typename T>
auto createContainer()
    if constexpr (isList)
        return std::list<T>{};
        return std::vector<T>{};
  1. Use std::conditional like in masoud's answer, but cleaner. Either:
    bool isList, typename T, 
    typename Container = std::conditional_t<isList, std::list<T>, std::vector<T>>
auto createContainer() -> Container
    Container result;
    // Do stuff that works with both containers I guess
    return result;


template<bool isList, typename T>
auto createContainer()
    using Container = std::conditional_t<isList, std::list<T>, std::vector<T>>;
    Container result;
    // Do stuff that works with both containers I guess
    return result;

I removed

#include <list>
#include <vector>

from my examples for simplicity.