Template type deduction in C++ for Class vs Function?

At Kona meeting Template parameter deduction for constructors (P0091R0) has been approved, which means that in C++17 we'll be able to we can write:

pair p1{"foo"s, 12};
auto p2 = pair{"foo"s, 12};
f(pair{"foo"s, 12});

In specific cases you could always do like std::make_pair:

template<class T>
make_foo(T val) {
    return foo<T>(val);

EDIT: I just found the following in "The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition", page 335. Bjarne says:

Note that class template arguments are never deduced. The reason is that the flexibility provided by several constructors for a class would make such deduction impossible in many cases and obscure in many more.

This is of course very subjective. There's been some discussion about this in comp.std.c++ and the consensus seems to be that there's no reason why it couldn't be supported. Whether it would be a good idea or not is another question...