Tagging release before deploying with Capistrano

Thanks to @dunedain289 for a great answer. I took it a step further to try replicate heroku releases for capistrano. I needed a nice tool to know what was already deployed on the servers, and to make a diff with my current local branch:

  1. first, use @dunedain289's code, slightly modified to work for me

    task :push_deploy_tag do
       user = `git config --get user.name`.chomp
       email = `git config --get user.email`.chomp
       stage = "production" unless stage # hack, stage undefined for me
       puts `git tag #{stage}_#{release_name} -m "Deployed by #{user} <#{email}>"`
       puts `git push --tags origin`
  2. Add a task to filter the release tags and diff the last

    task :diff do
      stage = "production" unless stage
      last_stage_tag = `git tag -l #{stage}* | tail -1`
      system("git diff #{last_stage_tag}", out: $stdout, err: :out)
    #this preserves coloring if you have a .gitconfig with 
    [color "diff"]
      meta = yellow bold
      frag = magenta bold
      old = red bold
      new = green bold
  3. execute

    $ cap diff
    # awesome colored diff of production and local

Just add the short hash of the commit you are building from.

git log -1 --format=%h

I've done something similar with Capistrano. The easiest thing to do is tag using the timestamp name that Capistrano used during the deploy - that's YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, so it's really hard to get duplicates.


task :push_deploy_tag do
  user = `git config --get user.name`.chomp
  email = `git config --get user.email`.chomp
  puts `git tag #{stage}_#{release_name} #{current_revision} -m "Deployed by #{user} <#{email}>"`
  puts `git push --tags origin`

Regarding your question in the code about how to output the text via Capistrano. Just change p to puts and it displays fine.