TableView Footer is scrolling with the table

First of all, tableView:viewForFooterInSection does not define a footer for the table, it defines a footer for the section in the table. You can have multiple section footers in one table. In the case where your table is only one section, using this method will be functionally equivalent to adding a table footer, but it is NOT meant to be the table's footer. It is much better practice to use the actual table footer if that's what you want, which can be accomplished by simply assigning a view to the UITableView's tableFooterView property.

However, table footers (section footers AND table footers) are both built to scroll with your table. If you are looking to implement a "footer" that sticks to the bottom of the screen and does not scroll with the table, your best bet is to resize your UITableView smaller to make room for your "footer", and add a new view to sit in the spot you just cleared for it. That way, it will stick in place, and the scrollable region in your table will not overlap with the "footer".