System of equations

A solution using the cases environment:



      k_{i\omega}/k_{p\omega}=2\pi\times 10\\

enter image description here

A solution using array (no packages needed):


    k_{i\omega}/k_{p\omega}=2\pi\times 10\\

enter image description here

Here is a way to do it, with the dcases and spreadlines environments, from mathtools. The latter package lets you define additional vertical spacing between rows of a multiline equation, which is necessary here, due to the fractions in each line.

I added another solution with the empheq package.

Unrelated: preferably load nccmath before mathtools, as there might be problems with the \intertext command. Also, I defined an \abs command for the absolute value with the \DeclarePairedDelimiter command from mathtools to have the vertical lines adjusted to their contents.

\usepackage{empheq} %% loads mathtools, which loads amsmath


\mfrac{k_{i\omega}}{k_{p\omega}} =2\pi \times 10 \\
\abs*{\mfrac{(k_{p\omega}s + k_{i\omega})}{s}\cdot \mfrac{1}{(T s + 1)}}= 1

     & \mfrac{k_{i\omega}}{k_{p\omega}} =2\pi \times 10 \\
     & \abs*{\mfrac{(k_{p\omega}s + k_{i\omega})}{s}\cdot \mfrac{1}{(T s + 1)}}= 1


enter image description here