Synchronous or Asynchronous Rxjava inside the Worker (from WorkManager component) what's the right choice?

Since WorkManager version 1.0.0-alpha12 they added a new artifact called work-rxjava2 that includes RxWorker class exactly for this purpose. It is a special case of ListenableWorker expecting Single<Result>.

To implement it, first make sure you include correct artifacts to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
   implementation "$work_version"
   implementation "$work_version"

And implement your RxWorker:

class MyRxWorker(context : Context, params : WorkerParameters) : RxWorker(context, params) {

    val remoteService = RemoteService()

    override fun createWork(): Single<Result> {
        return remoteService.getMySingleResponse()
                .doOnSuccess { /* process result somehow */ }
                .map { Result.success() }
                .onErrorReturn { Result.failure() }

Edit: WorkManager now officially supports an RxWorker. Take a look at the answer above for more information.

doWork happens on a background thread. So it's safe to block. You should wait for the Observable to complete before you return a Result.

We are also working on making this easier with asynchronous APIs. Stay tuned.