Symmetrization of a Function

You could make a list from 1 to n, where n is the length of the input, and create a permutation with that list. Then, replace each number with the corresponding input.


g[x__] := Total[
  f @@@ (Permutations[Range[Length[List[x]]]] /. a_Integer :> List[x][[a]])

In[181]:= g[x, x, y]

Out[181]= 2 f[x, x, y] + 2 f[x, y, x] + 2 f[y, x, x]

A more general solution:

Clear[symm, pm]

symm[group_][f_][args___] := 
 With[{s = Function @@ {pm /@ GroupElements[group]}}, 
  Plus @@ f @@@ s[args]

pm[p_] :=
  With[{pl = PermutationList[p]}, 
  Append[Slot /@ pl, SlotSequence[1 + Length[pl]]]

Then symm[group][f] represents the symmetrized version of f based on some permutation group.

symm[SymmetricGroup[3]][f][x, y, z]
(* f[x, y, z] + f[x, z, y] + f[y, x, z] + f[y, z, x] + f[z, x, y] + f[z, y, x] *)

Another way to solve the problem you encountered is not to use Permutations, but use Permute instead:

Permute[{x, x, z}, #] & /@ GroupElements[SymmetricGroup[3]]

(* {{x, x, z}, {x, z, x}, {x, x, z}, {z, x, x}, {x, z, x}, {z, x, x}} *)

This won't care if there are repeated elements. It's not necessary to use GroupElements, you could just as well use Permutations@Range[3]. I simply tried to keep it general.