Symfony2 error : Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names:

Intent to var_dump($name) and var_dump($class) and strcasecmp($name, $class) to see why you enter in the condition.

I had this problem and after trying all the solutions I found, no one of them worked for me. I am working with Symfony 2.8, Doctrine ORM and Sonata Admin Bundle and this exception appeared when I added an admin class (for a class related with the class showed in the exception message) and I tried to open it.

My mistake was I wrote the name of the database tables in lowercase in Doctrine annotations in the class related, check if you have it in uppercase:


though the answer was a typo in the class namespace, this errors occurs also if your entity is defined via xml, i.e. User.orm.xml, and you accidentally name the file lower-case, this will drive nuts the xml loader

  1. create FooNamespace\BarBundle\Resources\config\User.orm.xml

  2. create FooNamespace\BarBundle\Entity\User.php (class User { ... })

