Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException laravel Error

I got the same error on PHP 7.2.3 after composer update (symfony\translation v4.3.8 => v4.4.0).

I solved this issue with "symfony/translation": "4.3.8" in my composer.json.

It's a bad idea to hard edit vendors files.



Symfony doc says Install PHP 7.2.5 or higher, so if you don't want to add this restriction into your composer.json file, you can upgrade your PHP version to 7.2.5+ (check others libraries compatibility first).

On my server following were configurations:

PHP Laravel Framework 5.7.28

Solution: Added "symfony/translation": "4.3.8" in composer.json as follows

"require": {
     "symfony/translation": "4.3.8",

and then

composer update

or (if php version is not recommended on the server)

composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

I got the same error today and I solved it with a little editing. Just do this:
Navigate to


and delete string keyword from the setLocale() function.

If you get this error after this:

Declaration of Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator::trans($id, array $parameters = Array, $domain = NULL, $locale = NULL) must be compatible with Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface::trans(string $id, array $parameters = Array, ?string $domain = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL)

Just navigate to:


and delete all the string keywords from the trans() function


If you don't want to edit vendor files, you can use this: Open your composer.json file, and add this in "require"

"symfony/translation": "4.3.8",

Then open your terminal and type this:

composer update


