Symbols for symmetric difference

I've shifted the dot down relative to \dot{-}. You may adjust the value of .2\LMex to suit.

EDITED to make it more robust and to achieve a more uniform vertical spacing at the smaller math styles.

\usepackage{scalerel}% IF YOU NEED IT FOR SCRIPTSTYLE MATH
\( A \symdif B \)
\(\scriptstyle A \symdif B \)
\(\scriptscriptstyle A \symdif B \)

enter image description here

The main problem is that the minus sign has usually the same height as the plus sign. With \ooalign one can avoid this problem:


$A\dotminus B$

I use \providecommand because at least one package (MnSymbol) defines it; but it's not advisable to load the package, that changes all math symbols.

enter image description here

