Symbian S60 3rd ed. FP2 SDK registration

Now we can reset the 14 day trial using simple bat file. For now it is the only way to continue using it. You can run it without Admin rights. It works on Windows 7 x64, I don't know if it will work on Windows 7 x86, Windows 8.1 or 10, if somebody tested it please write here the results you got. It requires "wmic", "regini" and "reg" to work. Tested for S60v3FP2, S60v5 and S^3 SDK. Probably it will work for all.

@echo off
REM this for loop gets User Security ID and assign it to userSID variable
for /f "delims= " %%a in ('"wmic path win32_useraccount where name='%UserName%' get sid"') do (
   if not "%%a"=="SID" (          
      set userSID=%%a
      goto :end

REM this echo used to create temporary text file for REGINI to edit permissions
echo \Registry\user\%userSID%\Software\Nokia\Product Registration [1 5 7 17]>temporary.txt
REGINI temporary.txt
del temporary.txt

REM this reg command deletes registry folder to reset SDK trial 
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nokia\Product Registration" /f
echo All registration info deleted already.
echo Your S60 Emulator have 14 days trial again.