Swift operator `subscript` []

It looks like there are 2 questions here.

1. How can I enable subscripting on my own custom class?

To enable subscripting on your class Container you need to implement the subscript computed property like this.

class Container {
    private var list : [Any] = [] // I made this private

    subscript(index:Int) -> Any {
        get {
            return list[index]
        set(newElm) {
            list.insert(newElm, atIndex: index)

Now you can use it this way.

var container = Container()
container[0] = "Star Trek"
container[1] = "Star Trek TNG"
container[2] = "Star Trek DS9"
container[3] = "Star Trek VOY"

container[1] // "Star Trek TNG"

2. Can I access one element of Container that supports subscripting writing something like data[1][2]?

If we use your example no, you cannot. Because data[1] returns something of type Any. And you cannot subscript Any.

But if you add a cast it becomes possible

var container = Container()
container[0] = ["Enterprise", "Defiant", "Voyager"]
(container[0] as! [String])[2] // > "Voyager"

A workaround is to leverage multiple parameters in subscript

So instead of data[1][2], you can say data[1, 2]. This will be handy in some cases

struct Container {
  subscript(a: Int, b: Int) -> String {
    return "possible"

let data = Container()
data[1, 2]

Swift 5.2: Subscripting in UserDefaults values - Useful Manager

Static function with generic type

class Defaults {

   static subscript<T>(key: DefaultsKey) -> T? {
      get {
        return UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key.rawValue) as? T
      set {
        UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key.rawValue)

enum DefaultsKey: String {
    case firstKey = "JSGHDjasgchvsas"

Save value

Defaults[.firstKey] = 34

Get value

let value: Int = Defaults[.firstKey]

Happy coding!