Swift 2 - Use case for using break on if statement?

Using break with an if statement seems a bit contrived, and I can't think of a place where style would demand it. It does, however, save an extra level of indentation when skipping the latter portion of an if statement in an if-else clause, which can be useful for deeply nested loops.

In other languages, a popular (and/or controversial) idiom is to use labels for handling errors in deeply nested functions. For example, one might want to break out of a loop on error, like this:

func testBreak3() {
    // doesn't compile!!!
    let a = false, b = true, x = 10, y = 20, err = true
    if !a {
        if b && x > 0 {
            if y < 100 {
                if err {
                    break handleError
                // some statements
            } else {
                // other stuff

    return  // avoid error handling

    // handle the error

But in Swift (I'm using 2.0 as a reference), labels are different than with other languages; the above example doesn't compile for two reasons: The label isn't declared yet when it's used, and the label must be directly associated with a do, while, if, or case statement. Furthermore, break within an if or do statements requires that statement to be labeled. We can fix this as follows, although the changes make the solution less attractive due to additional tracking via the errorFlagged variable, making refactoring more attractive:

func testBreak() {
    let a = false, b = true, x = 10, y = 20, err = true
    var errorFlagged = false
    nestedIf: if !a {
        if b && x > 0 {
            if y < 100 {
                if err {
                    errorFlagged = true
                    break nestedIf
                // some statements
            } else {
                // other stuff

    // skip handling if no error flagged.
    if errorFlagged {
        // handle error

For example if you want to describe a number (with Strings) with reference to sets of numbers (even/rational/negative numbers) your code could look something like this:

if condition1 {
    // code
    if condition2 {
        // code
        if condition3 {
            // code
            if condition4 {

You can achieve the same logic but without the nested ifs by refactoring it (using guard):

OuterIf: if condition1 {
    // code

    guard condition2 else { break OuterIf }
    // code

    guard condition3 else { break OuterIf }
    // code

    guard condition4 else { break OuterIf }
    // code

// reads even better when breaking out of "do"
scope: do {
    guard condition1 else { break scope }
    // code

    guard condition2 else { break scope }
    // code

    guard condition3 else { break scope }
    // code

    guard condition4 else { break scope }
    // code


You might think that this can also be achieved with switch and fallthrough but this doesn't work with "normal" cases because it checks all conditions and if one condition is met all following conditions aren't even evaluated.

So the fallthough has to be called conditionally.

This does work but I isn't very readable not to mention its "beauty":

let x = 4
switch x {
case _ where condition1:
    // code
    if condition2 { fallthrough }
case _ where false:
    // code
    if condition3 { fallthrough }
case _ where false:
    // code
    if condition4 { fallthrough }
case _ where false:
    // code
default: break