sweet-alert display HTML code in text

I was upgrading from old sweetalert and found out how to do it in the new Version (official Docs):

// this is a Node object    
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerHTML = "Testno  sporocilo za objekt <b>test</b>";

    title: "" + txt + "", 
    content: span,
    confirmButtonText: "V redu", 
    allowOutsideClick: "true" 

A feature to allow HTML for title and text parameters has been added with a recent merge into the master branch on GitHub https://github.com/t4t5/sweetalert/commit/9c3bcc5cb75e598d6faaa37353ecd84937770f3d

Simply use JSON configuration and set 'html' to true, eg:

swal({ html:true, title:'<i>TITLE</i>', text:'<b>TEXT</b>'});

This was merged less than a week ago and is hinted at in the README.md (html is set to false in one of the examples although not explicitly described) however it is not yet documented on the marketing page http://tristanedwards.me/sweetalert

The SweetAlert repo seems to be unmaintained. There's a bunch of Pull Requests without any replies, the last merged pull request was on Nov 9, 2014.

I created SweetAlert2 with HTML support in modal and some other options for customization modal window - width, padding, Esc button behavior, etc.

  title: "<i>Title</i>", 
  html: "Testno  sporocilo za objekt: <b>test</b>",  
  confirmButtonText: "V <u>redu</u>", 
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@11"></script>