SVN permission denied - txn-current-lock

Repository folder on file system must be owned or at last to have read/write permission by the same linux user that your svn or apache via web-dav is working on...

In my case it was:

$ chown -R www-data:www-data /svn/reponame

But in some other case, it might be different, like

$ chown -R someuser:somegroup /svn/reponame

So replace someuser:somegroup with proper values.

The svnserve deamon ran under my user, not as root. I killed the svnserve processes running under my user and restarted it as root. It now works.

You have to add the SETUID bit for the /var/www-svn/ folder, cause under transactions there will be folders generated during the run of SVN for preserving transactions which are represented by folders.

This means in short words just make

chmod +s -R /var/www-svn/

should solve the problem.