SVG get text element width

var bbox = textElement.getBBox();
var width = bbox.width;
var height = bbox.height;

and then set the rect's attributes accordingly.

Link: getBBox() in the SVG v1.1 standard.

Regarding the length of text the link seems to indicate BBox and getComputedTextLength() may return slightly different values, but ones that are fairly close to each other.


worked for me in

How about something like this for compatibility:

function svgElemWidth(elem) {
    var methods = [ // name of function and how to process its result
        { fn: 'getBBox', w: function(x) { return x.width; }, },
        { fn: 'getBoundingClientRect', w: function(x) { return x.width; }, },
        { fn: 'getComputedTextLength', w: function(x) { return x; }, }, // text elements only
    var widths = [];
    var width, i, method;
    for (i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
        method = methods[i];
        if (typeof elem[method.fn] === 'function') {
            width = method.w(elem[method.fn]());
            if (width !== 0) {
    var result;
    if (widths.length) {
        result = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
            result += widths[i];
        result /= widths.length;
    return result;

This returns the average of any valid results of the three methods. You could improve it to cast out outliers or to favor getComputedTextLength if the element is a text element.

Warning: As the comment says, getBoundingClientRect is tricky. Either remove it from the methods or use this only on elements where getBoundingClientRect will return good results, so no rotation and probably no scaling(?)