Svelte route gives me 404

This is for those who want to host the svelte apps, If your hosting provider supports adding redirect or rewrite rules then you can do this to serve the index.html for any request you make which the router can handle.

For example, Set source as /* the / refers to the path and the wildcard * refers to match arbitrary request paths.

and then set your destination to just / that's it. don't set the destination as /index.html or else all requests will open your home page for example if you try to open then it will open

and set the action as Rewrite instead of Redirect

and this also solves the problem of refreshing the site and opening the URL directly from browswer


"start": "sirv public  --no-clear" 

To this

"start": "sirv public -s --no-clear"

in your package.json file, it worked for me.

You must make sure your server is serving the index.html for every route path and not just for /.

If you e.g. are using sirv with one of the Svelte starter projects you can add the --single flag to the script.

"scripts": {
  "start": "sirv public --single",
  "start:dev": "sirv public --dev --single"

As mentioned in one of the comments above, if using roll-up, the following combination of scripts will work when calling npm run dev

"scripts": {
    "build": "rollup -c",
    "dev": "rollup -c -w",
    "start": "sirv public --single"