suppress Scrapy Item printed in logs after pipeline

If you want to exclude only some attributes of the output, you can extend the answer given by @dino

from scrapy.item import Item, Field
import json

class MyItem(Item):
    attr1 = Field()
    attr2 = Field()
    attr1ToExclude = Field()
    attr2ToExclude = Field()
    # ...
    attrN = Field()

    def __repr__(self):
        r = {}
        for attr, value in self.__dict__['_values'].iteritems():
            if attr not in ['attr1ToExclude', 'attr2ToExclude']:
                r[attr] = value
        return json.dumps(r, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

Having read through the documentation and conducted a (brief) search through the source code, I can't see a straightforward way of achieving this aim.

The hammer approach is to set the logging level in the settings to INFO (ie add the following line to


This will strip out a lot of other information about the URLs/page that are being crawled, but it will definitely suppress data about processed items.

I tried the repre way mentioned by @dino, it doesn't work well. But evolved from his idea, I tried the str method, and it works.

Here's how I do it, very simple:

    def __str__(self):
        return ""

Another approach is to override the __repr__ method of the Item subclasses to selectively choose which attributes (if any) to print at the end of the pipeline:

from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class MyItem(Item):
    attr1 = Field()
    attr2 = Field()
    # ...
    attrN = Field()

    def __repr__(self):
        """only print out attr1 after exiting the Pipeline"""
        return repr({"attr1": self.attr1})

This way, you can keep the log level at DEBUG and show only the attributes that you want to see coming out of the pipeline (to check attr1, for example).


