supervisord for python 3?

To use supervisord with Python 3 you can setup it directly with pip:

pip install git+

The upcoming 4.0 release of Supervisord will support Python 2.7, and 3.4 and up. Until then, you could use the supervisor-py3k fork.

Or simply run supervisord with Python 2; your Python 3 codebase is otherwise unaffected, as supervisord is an independent process.

Python 3 support for supervisord is still experimental and as mentioned in documentation, you shouldn't use it in production.

Mozilla Foundation has developed a package called circus which works on Python 3.

It manages process with circusd and it also has circusctl, circus-top, circus-web(similar to supervisor).

You can use your supervisor conf file with circus with some changes. It also has a seperate section in docs for users coming from supervisor. You can read that for more details.

Update: Latest master has python 3 support. You can install it with

pip install git+