Supervisor's behaviour changed after I decided to move to industry

Most people would not consider you to have done anything wrong in applying to industry - but your supervisor might, because some academics consider non-academic careers to be "second-best".

However, are you sure that the change in attitude is because of this? Could it simply be that you put your supervisor down as a referee without telling them about it? That might be considered rude, leading to surprise at getting a phone call about you.

The simple answer might be, as Flyto said, that she didn't expect the call. Mind you, a part of your supervisor's job description is to provide reference (granted that it's deserved), so she shouldn't be too baffled. Still, it's a good practice to ask upfront about such things, not only out of politeness, but also to describe the company/position so that the reference can be tailored to that.

Academia, however, is a very nuanced environment. There could be a number of things you might have omitted in your explanation that would basically turn the situation upside down. For instance, how much your advisor assisted you with the application process. Because of this, communication with stakeholders is key: you should openly talk to your advisor and ask what the matter is. Always better to err on the side of caution, unless you want to burn bridges.

Also: industry will always pay better. If that's not your main criterion, then you should always aim to go where your skills will be appreciated the most and you feel fulfilled. Only you can decide that, and i'm quite sure that your advisor will understand if you talk to her openly.

You supervisor should understand that you have a responsibilty to put a roof over your head and food on the plate.

I have a friend who was on a temporary teaching contract with a promise of a full-time contract. The Dean procrastinated for 9 months about sorting it out. Finally my friend gave the Dean notice that there was 14 days to make a decision else my friend would make one.

On the 15th day, my friend accepted the job at a large company with good benefits. The Dean was surprised my friend had not waited -“but we need you...” etc etc How long are you expected to wait while they drift in academic limbo???

So, moral is DO what is best for you...