Superstitious hotel elevator

Bash + common utils, 51

seq 9$1|sed 13d\;/4/d\;1i-1|rs 0 2|sed $[$1/2]q|tac
  • seq generates ascending integers from 1 to N with an extra 9 digit in front - more than enough for 64bit integer input
  • sed filters out the unlucky floors and inserts -1 before line 1
  • rs reshapes into two tab-separated columns
  • sed stops after N/2 lines
  • tac reverses output line order

JavaScript ES6, 236 234 233 210 195 188 bytes

Saved a whole bunch 'a bytes thanks to usandfriends!

Uses the function* for generators. Probably a shorter way to do this, but it was fun. Way fun. I'll bet some golfing can be done. Those weird whitespace things are tabs.

z=prompt(i=x=0,l=[]);y=(function*(){while(i<z-x)yield(i?(/4/.test(i)||i==13?--x&&".":i):-1)+(0*++i)})();while(;l.join`    `.match(/-?\d+  \d+/g).reverse().join`

Pyth, 27 bytes


Try it online here.

Gets .first Q-1 numbers that match the filter !=13 and 4 isn't in the string representation of the number. Then it prepends -1 , chops in half, joins each by tabs(C9) and joins by newlines.